A Life of Courage: Sherwin Wine & Humanistic Judaism
Price: $19.95 Call 847-383-6330 or email to order, or purchase directly from Life of Courage is also available as an e-book: Kindle, Nook, iBooks and more. Compiled by Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Harry Cook & Marilyn Rowens, A Life of Courage is both a biography of and a tribute to the remarkable life of Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine. founder of Humanistic Judaism. Wine began the movement of Humanistic Judaism in the early 1960s at The Birmingham Temple in suburban Detroit, Michigan, with the belief that secular Jewish culture and Jewish history shape people’s identity as Jews, rather than their belief in God. This book features contributions from 25 people close to Wine and the movement of Humanistic Judaism and provides many unique perspectives on Wine’s life and work. Some essays celebrate him, while others continue his life’s work by exploring implications and further developments of his approach to Humanistic Judaism. The final chapter, written by Wine himself, reflects on his life and what the movement of Humanistic Judaism meant to him. It Is also a brilliant and mature formulation of the core message of Humanistic Judaism. You can read a selection from the foreword by Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Contributors include:
- Shulamit Aloni, Israeli politician and rights activist: “Embracing Humanism”
- Yehuda Bauer, world-renowned Holocaust scholar: “On Religion and Secularism”
- Adam Chalom, Dean for North America, IISHJ: “To Destroy and to Build: The Balance of Creativity and Continuity”
- Daniel Friedman, rabbi emeritus, Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation: “Humanistic Judaism: For the Many or the Few?”
- Miriam Jerris, Rabbi of the Society for Humanistic Judaism: “A Man for All People, Ahead of his Time”
- Tamara Kolton, Rabbi of The Birmingham Temple: “A Celebration of Rabbi Wine”
- Yaakov Malkin, Israeli professor, author and public intellectual: “The Secular Synagogue as the Continuation of the Revolution in Judaism and World Culture.”
- Felix Posen, Founder and President of The Posen Foundation: “A Veritable Pioneer in Spirit and Deed”
- Peter Schweitzer. Rabbi of the City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism: “The Courage of One’s Convictions”
- Mitchell Silver, cultural director of Camp Kinderland: “Secularism, Humanism, and Idolatry”
Rabbi Sherwin Wine talks about his personal experiences as the background of Humanistic Judaism:
Price: $29.95
Call 847-383-6330 or email to order, or purchase directly from