Video Resources
Video is one step away from live experience. We learn through many senses, and the enthusiasm and commitment of our leaders and rabbis for Secular Humanistic Judaism is contagious.
Web Video
- Tmura-IISHJ Dean Rabbi Sivan Maas interviewed by Georgetown Professor Jacques Berlinerblau on Faith Complex
- High Holiday sermons and other programs (Birmingham Temple, MI)
- Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld describes Humanistic Judaism (Beth Chaverim, IL)
- Library of Secular Humanistic Judaism – video seminars in Jewish history and Bible with IISHJ Rabbinic candidate Natan Fuchs (Birmingham Temple, MI)
- City Congregation (NY) YouTube Channel
- International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism YouTube channel
- Society for Humanistic Judaism YouTube channel
- Rabbi Sherwin Wine Speaks at “The New Humanism” conference at Harvard University
- International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism Colloquium DVDs
- Society for Humanistic Judaism Video Resources
If you have other resources to suggest for this list, or if you find that one of these links no longer works, please contact us. If you find these resources useful, please consider supporting our important work.