Judaism in a Secular Age


Judaism in a Secular Age: An Anthology of Secular Humanistic Jewish Thought


Price: $19.95

Call 847-383-6330 or email info@iishj.org to order, or purchase directly from Amazon.com.

Edited by Renee Kogel and Zev Katz, this collection features essays by some of the founding members of the movement of Secular Humanistic Judaism, which stresses that you don't have to be religious to connect to Jewish culture. The essays are written by:

  • People who first tried to think about Judaism and Jewishness in new ways
  • People who believed in the core concepts of humanistic and secular Judaism
  • People who laid the philosophical groundwork for organized Secular Humanistic Judaism in the 20th century.

Political theorists and novelists, Hebraists, Yiddishists, Zionists, socialists, and more are included. The volume also includes important issue statements of the International Federation of Secular Humanistic Jews, as well as an English-language bibliography of contributors to the volume for further reading.

Read the foreword by Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine

A free Study Guide is available for Part 2 Pathbreakers and Part 3 Framers of the book.

THE PRECURSOR - Baruch Spinoza
Kindred Spirits

Theodor Herzl
Aaron David Gordon
David Ben Gurion
Martin Buber

Mordecai Kaplan
Albert Einstein
Louis Brandeis
Mendele Mocher Sforim

Isaac Leib Peretz
Sholem Aleichem
Haim Nahman Bialik


Simon Dubnow
Haim Zhitlovsky
Micah Joseph Berdichevsky
Max Nordau
Ahad Ha'am
Ber Borochov
Joseph Haim Brenner

Rahel (Blustein)
Saul Tchernikhowsky
Avraham Shlonsky
Sigmund Freud
Edna Ferber
Emma Goldman
Horace Kallen

Erich Fromm
Marie Syria
Sidney Hook
Hannah Arendt
Isaac Deutscher
Abraham Maslow

Framers of Secular Judaism

Sherwin Wine
Daniel Friedman
Saul Goodman
Morris Schappes
Max Rosenfeld
Hershl Hartman
Isaiah Berlin

Albert Memmi
Haim Cohn
Yehuda Bauer
Zev Katz
Shunya Bendor
Uri Rapp
Yaakov Malkin

Shulamit Aloni
Gershon Weiler
Amos Oz
Yehuda Amichai
A. B. Yehoshua

Sherwin Wine on "The Humanistic Alternative"


Price: $29.95

Call 847-383-6330 or email info@iishj.org to order, or purchase directly from Amazon.com.